My daughter noticed on her blog, Sarah's Scribblings, that her Adsense had disappeared on 12/21/2011 and when she clicked on her Monetize tab it asked her to sign up for Adsense. So she went to my Simply CVS blog and sure enough mine were gone, as were my blogging buddy's Frugality Is Free blog. We thought there was a glitch and it would be fixed by morning, but it wasn't.
So I went searching and found nothing. I did find a reference in an older post about a code change and wondered if that could be it, but why would it happen now? When I looked at my "design" page the Adsense widgets still showed up. I clicked on one and it showed my
Simply Blogging University
Lessons, tips, tricks & resources for starting and maintaining a blog.
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Monday, April 18, 2011
Join Simply Blogging University's Alumni List
I would like to invite all of you readers of Simply Blogging University who have found some tip or trick here and used it on your blog to join our Alumni List. Just stop by and leave a link to your blog and I will make an Alumni List Blogroll of them. You can find the Alumni List link in the Alumni tab at the top of the page. I do ask that your blog be family friendly to be added. I am hoping this will bring more traffic to your blog.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Blogging 401: Promotion & Search Engine Optimization Orientation
Now that you are a blog author you need readers, and "the more the merrier" is true for blogging. It is a strange day in the blog world when a blog becomes wildly popular without the author working hard at promoting their blog as well as at writing it. The world will not know your blog is there if you do not tell them. That
Monday, April 11, 2011
How can I put horizontal lines between gadgets in sidebars and footer?
Answer: I am a very visual person and am always tweaking my blog, Simply CVS, to change the looks and I have found an easy way to add a horizontal line to a sidebar to separate gadgets, or sets of gadgets. You can see examples in my sidebars and
Saturday, April 9, 2011
An Encouraging Word to Mommy Bloggers

Blogging, as fun and exciting as it can be, can become a burden for a mom blogger with a little one in need of her attention. I have a dear blogging buddy who is feeling that pressure just now with a sick little one, and an old
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Blogging 301 ~ Lesson # 7: Monetizing a Blog with Project Wonderful
There are many ways to monetize your blog simply. I have seen several blogs I am familiar with use Project Wonderful on their blogs. I never thought it would fit in at Simply CVS so have not personally used it, but FrugalMom at Frugality Is Free has and I asked her to share her
Thursday, March 31, 2011
On A Personal Note
A Memory: My Sister loved the sweet taste of the Honeysuckle "syrup." |
We will be needing to take turns caring for her part time while her daughter is at work so I know I will not have the time on here as I usually do. As to answering all comments and questions I will try to keep up. It may be for just a few days or a few weeks, and as any of you who have experienced a family member dying you never know. My father and step-father both were told 3 months, my father lasted 15, my step-father, only 3 weeks. Hospice has been called in, so that gives us some idea.
I should be around for at least part of each day, but if you notice me missing in action, you will know why. Thank you all for understanding. ~ Cheryl
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Blogging 101 ~ Lesson #3-A: Using the Auto-post Option While on Vacation
I recently read a post on Frugality Is Free about “auto” blogging while on vacation. I asked FrugalMom, the author, if I could share her post here. I know I touched on this briefly in an earlier lesson, but I thought having her share the details and her personal experience with it might help readers here. FrugalMom and her family
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Blogging 301 ~ Lesson #6: Monetizing a Blog by Selling Advertising Space Directly
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Resources: Paypal for Blog Advertising & Monetizing Payments
Many bloggers and smaller companies deal with Paypal when making payments for advertising or accepting payment from bloggers who want to advertise. So it is a good idea to set up a Paypal account before you need one--it is free to sign up.
Paypal is a secure online option for making payments with credit cards or
Paypal is a secure online option for making payments with credit cards or
Monday, March 21, 2011
Resources: HTML Marquee Codes ~ Design a Moving Marquee
I am amazed at what can be done with a little HTML code. If you have ever seen moving text marquees and wondered how they were made I came across a source for HTML Marque Codes. I am going to try it out here, give a little instruction and give the link for the resource with various codes.
There are several options available
There are several options available
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Spring Break 2011 @ Simply Blogging University
If you noticed I was absent yesterday. This is a crazy week for me and we actually have the opportunity to go out of town to meet up with some friends we haven't seen in nearly twenty years. So, Students, enjoy spring break or if you'd like spend some time reviewing past lessons, quizzes or resources. And check out our new Alumni Log and add your blog to the linky!
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